About Aria Bridal

Ok Yon So was a young upcoming fashion designer in Korea in the mid 70's, when she met and married an American and moved to the U.S. She spent years learning English and raising a family. In the early 90's a call came from an old colleague to come to Texas and build a small chain of stores there. To make a long story short she broke out on her own and created Aria Bridal. Her family caught her vision and there are now over 11 Aria Bridals nationwide.
After being in Escondido Ca for 19 years we have moved to Temecula in 2017.
Aria Bridal is run with a unique blend of servant leadership principles and guided by Oky's incredible sense of style. You won't see us spend millions of dollars to advertise a $99.00 wedding dress. Our satisfied customers are our best source of growth.
Whether you are going to a White House ball, the Emmies, prom, or your own wedding, Aria Bridal makes your shopping experience a comfortable fit. We never pressure or “hard sell” anyone. Our clients range from movie stars and the extremely wealthy to the young girl getting her first formal. People drive from different states knowing we have the best ecclectic selection to fit every shoppers taste.